A Strong Hand
A Tactile Texture Pattern
A Tooth and a Claw
Tilting Object
Ancient Greek God Statue
A Simple Insect Shape
Heart with Stony Texture
An Image of a Broken Vase
A Stack of Stones
Curved Architectural Design Element
Geometric Shape with 24 Faces
Bendable Shape
Limestone Texture
Shape Resembling a Spore Case
An Elongated Human Head Shape
A Medal
Rock Texture
Broken Into Pieces
A Balance Scale
Crystal Shape
Half-circle Shape
A Dinosaur
Greek God Statue
Chemical Reaction Process
Revealing a Hidden Shape
A Simple Menorah Design
Chemical Structure of Resorcin
A Cone-shaped Object
A Telescope Shape
Support Beam
A Simple Shape
A Stylized Human Figure
Slabs of Stone
A Balancing Figure
A Thoughtful Design
3d Raised Design
Carving of a Carob Pod
Remnant Pieces of a Broken Vase
A Silver Object
A Shell with a Textured Surface
Space Above a Person's Head for Cutting
Knight Armour
A Mystical Crystal
Chemical Structure of Sodiosalicylate
Illustrate a Human Figure
A Shield with a Sword and Arrows
Sculptured Sphinx
A Bubastite Statue
Chisel Tool
A Specific Type of Mineral or Rock, Such as 'quartz Crystal'
A Vase
A Subclavate Shape
Detailed Outline of a Subclaim Symbol
A Streamlined Shape
A Small Figurine of an Animal