Tag: omen
Divination Symbol
A Raven
A Crow
Ominous Raven
Ominous Hint of Potential Future Event
Future Prediction Symbols
A Fortune Teller
Unpredictable Luck Symbol
A Crow
A Prophetic Symbol
A Raven Saying 'nevermore'
A Word or Concept Referring to Anticipation or Prediction of a Future Event
Divination Using Water and Light
A Crow
Ominous Symbol Like a Raven or Skull
A Symbol of Fate or Destiny
Predicts the Future
Bad Luck Symbol
Ring Divination Symbol
A Person Holding a Long Spoon Near a Devil's Face
An Owl with a Scroll Omen
Evil Symbol
Unlucky Clover
Fate or Destiny Symbol
Symbols for Ancient Divination
A Crow
A Raven
Unlucky Symbol
Good Luck Symbol
Snake Symbol for Divination
A Skull
Lucky Symbol
Fortune-telling with a Spoon
Divination Using Birds
A Crow
Foreshadowed Event
A Symbol of Prediction
Lanterns for Divination
A Crow
Divination Using White Objects or Bleach
A Symbol of Fortune Telling
Good Luck Symbol
Predicts the Future
Divination Card
Divining Using a Spinning Object for Guidance
A Bone Used for Divination
A Horseshoe for Good Luck
A Fortune Teller
Bad Luck Symbol
An Omen Symbol
A Crow Cawing
Omens or Signs of Something to Come
Divination Using Ashes
Fate or Destiny Symbol