Tag: unilateral
A Husker Shredder Symbol
A Simple a Razor
A Semielliptic Shape
A Person in a Simple Pose
Egg-shaped Object
A Simple a Sphere
A Simple Nummuline Shape
A Single Blade
Single-sided Design
One-sided Design
A Simple Outline of a Hippo
A Person with One Arm Raised
A Simple Semi-circle Shape
A Simple Pennate Shape
A Person Looking to the Right
A Simple Cylinder Shape
Teardrop Shape
A Single-part Shape Design
Lack of Reciprocity
A Blade
One-eyed Animal
A Simple Unmirrored Design
Kidney-shaped Object
A Simple Shape That Represents Division
One-handed Grip Design
Unifaced Design
A Person Balancing a Ball
An Almond-shaped Design
An Ear
Teardrop Shape
A Single, Simple Shape
A Letter U
A Shape with No Addition
A Man Looking to the Right
Simple Egg Shape
A Wedge-shaped Head